Blessed Egypt Foundation

We are a group of Egyptians that includes the young and old, the exuberant and the earnest, the youthful and the wise. We belong to various walks of life: business, architecture, engineering, journalism, professional photography, tourism, and others. Our members come from different places in Egypt, also from various social and cultural backgrounds. What gathers us is our love for Egypt and everything Egyptian, her identity rooted in centuries of civilisation, and her time honoured heritage.

Together, we have established the foundation “Blessed Egypt” registered with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under number 11073. Through this foundation, we aim at translating our love for Egypt and our passion for her heritage into on-the-ground effective work that would benefit Egyptians.

We decided to focus on reviving Egypt’s tangible and intangible heritage which, as in other places in the world, risks decline or loss to globalisation and modern economic demands that render it non-feasible.

The heritage we look to preserve or revive includes handicrafts which, in order to survive, need to be marketed internationally. It also covers the recording of folk wisdom quotes, songs, and improvised prayers, verbal customs and traditions that relate to specific occasions and that can only be heard today sung or recited by mostly illiterate people in somewhat remote areas. Using modern technology, heritage exclusive to different places in Egypt may be preserved for future generations.

We unanimously agreed that our first project would be to work on the promoting tourist visits to the track taken by the Holy Family (Baby Jesus, St Mary and St Joseph) on its Biblical flight into Egypt. We believe that that project is of first class touristic value; as such it could benefit Egypt on all levels. Work on the project involves numerous, varied aspects on the official, public, economic, and heritage levels.

Our policy is not to work alone, independent of anyone who can have positive contribution to any of our projects. We work closely with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Tourism Committee of the Egyptian Parliament, various local authorities, and non-governmental institutions and associations. Our plan includes that we address UNESCO and recognised international institutions in our fields of work.