Victory over witches and Satan Miracles.

Jesus Miracles in Egypt

Third, miracles of victory over witches and Satan

Magic and sorcerers are among the works that were prevalent in the world before the Lord Christ, and the magicians had great power, but Christ came to correct the situation and save man from the power of Satan. That is why the war was with Satan and his supporters since the birth until the crucifixion and the resurrection of the Lord of Glory from the dead.

Ashmounin Tree

Historian Sozomen says in his book 'History of the Church': "It is said that there was in the Ashmounin, a city in Upper Egypt, a tree called Persia." This was a tall ficus tree, and the pagans worshiped it because it was inhabited by a demon; but when the divine child passed before it, the tree bowed to the ground as if prostrating to its Creator, and the demon who inhabited the tree was disturbed and fled when Jesus approached it, which was significant for the pagans who worshiped this tree. After that, the tree became straight and had great power, so they used its leaves, fruits, and peel to heal diseases.

Sozomen also mentioned that in Ashmounin, the Lord Christ raised the dead, expelled the demons from many, made the lame walk, the blind hear, the mute speak, and the lepers purify; in one word, he performed all the wonders there.

The miracle of the curved palm valley in Dayrout

It was said that during the stay of the Holy Family in Dayrut, there was a carpenter called Dianos, and he knew Joseph the carpenter, as he had met him previously in Jerusalem. Dianos had a son with an unclean spirit who threw him to the ground and said: “What do we have with you, O Jesus of Nazareth? You came after us to torment us here, after we left you Jerusalem.” Then, Jesus Christ commanded him to shut up and get out of him. Many of those present believed in Him, and many idols were broken there.

When they were leaving Dayrout, the weather was very hot, and the child said to his mother, “It is very hot for you, mother.” When they passed a road surrounded by palm trees on both sides, the palm trees bent to shade the Holy Family and protect them from the intense heat.