Miracles of Trees and Fields.

Jesus Miracles in Egypt

Secondly, miracles associated with trees and fields

Trees are a symbol of life, and therefore the association of Christ with them indicates that He is the Creator God and the source of life, and this is why we see many miracles associated with trees in more than one place during the course of the Holy Family’s journey in Egypt.

Mary's tree miracle

The Holy Family passed by the "Al-Matariyya" area, and sat in the shade under a tree. They were in need of water, so the child started playing with his feet on the ground, and a spring of water came out and they drank from it. Then the Virgin washed the child's clothes, and poured the washing water on the floor, so an aromatic plant with a beautiful smell grew in that spot, and this plant is known as balsam or elderberry.

Until now, this tree is found in El-Mataria district, and is known as the Maryam's tree. Historians narrate about this tree and say that the French soldiers led by Kleber, who took over the rule of Egypt after Napoleon, after they were victorious over the Turkish armies in the Battle of Ain Shams, stopped on their way by Maryam's tree.  They wrote their names on its branches using the edge of their spears and swords, and some of them obtained healing for their eyes and their various diseases after they washed themselves using water from the well. The soldiers recorded their thanks to God for the good they had obtained through the blessing of Mary's tree and the water of the well.

It is also narrated that: “They came to a sycamore tree called Matariya today, and the Lord Jesus gushed in that place a spring in which Saint Mary washed her dress. The balm produced by that place comes from the sweat that flowed from Jesus' limbs.” It is a story that agrees with some recognized historical sources.

The miracle of creating Mary's tree and raising a dead person in Belbeis

Tradition narrates that in Belbeis, during the passage of the Holy Family, they took shelter under a tree there, which was later known as “Mary’s Tree.” Until now, Muslims bury their dear dead around it, as taking blessing from it. People say that when the soldiers of Napoleon (1769-1821 AD) passed by Belbeis, they wanted to cut down wood from this tree to cook their food on, but when they hit it with an ax, it started to bleed after the first blow! So the soldiers were terrified, and they did not dare to touch it after that; rather, the soldiers took blessings from it and wrote their names on its branches. Also, some of them recorded being cured of conjunctivitis, and that their eyes were cleared after they sought healing from it!

Abba Zakharias sermon tells us that baby Jesus found in Belbeis a casket carried for a child of a widow woman who used to live in the city, so Lord Jesus Christ raised him up and the child spoke and said: “This is the true God, the Savior of the world, who came incarnated from this Virgin Mary.” When the crowd heard, people were amazed and believed in the Lord Christ, glory be to Him.

The miracle of a watermelon field that has ripened before its time

The Holy Family was in the south of Cairo on their way to Maadi, mostly in Al-Ezbawiya area now, and they learned that Herod's soldiers were approaching them. They were very anxious and afraid, but the divine child reassured them. As they passed, they saw a field and its owner was still sowing watermelon seeds, so Saint Mary told him that the field will ripen with the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ and the family went on their way. Actually, with the blessing of Lord Jesus Christ, the watermelon ripened after a short time, when the soldiers passed by and asked the owner of the field about the family.  He answered them that they passed by when it was time to sow the watermelon seeds. When the soldiers looked at the field they found that the watermelon had ripened, so they thought that the Holy family had passed a long time ago, not less than 2 to 3 months and they turned back. The news of this amazing incident spread among the Egyptians, and it became a proverb for the miraculous ability that no one possesses: “I will hit the ground and the watermelon will come out?” It's a proverb that is still circulating without many knowing its origin.

In the place of this field, the “Church of the Virgin Mary Al-Ezbawiya” was built in Cairo. It is affiliated to Al-Suryan Monastery, and the well from which the Holy Family drank is still in it.

The Ashmounin tree and the worshiper tree

Sozomen tells that in Ashmounin, there is a tree called Persia, of the type of laurel tree, and it is said that it is from the ficus tree, and at the moment when Christ approached the gate of the city, the tree bowed to the ground despite its height.., and many people received healing from its leaves after that.

Abu al-Makarem (12th century AD) mentions that in the courtyard of the Church of the Virgin of Ashmounin, there is a tree of Syrian origin that bowed when Jesus approached it. He also said that a ruler wanted to cut it down, but Pope Agathon the 39th (658-677 AD) stood under it, and when a person came forward to cut it with an ax, the ax jumped in his face, so the ruler left it and it was not cut at the time. This narration was supported by what was found by a French archaeological mission in the Ashmounin manuscripts in 1887 AD.

Pope Theophilus the 23rd (384-412 A.D.) narrates in his sermon about the sycamore tree that bent down in Ashmounin, and the Lord Jesus spoke to it: “There will be no moths in you forever, but you will be like a testimony, a sign for everyone and a reminder of My coming to this city.” Anba Kyriakos' sermon mentioned that the child Jesus had planted three sticks which turned into blessed trees as a reminder of his arrival in Bahnasa.